Saturday, August 30

... smiles...

Just some fun! He's just so cute I can't stop taking pictures of him :)

1st Sun Devils Game .....

Josh has been waiting for this game for months now... I think ASU football could possibly be one of his most favorite things ever! And to make it even more fun he promised Calli she could go to the first game of the season with him. I think she was as excited as he was, but for the social part of it ofcourse!!

Thursday, August 28

***Fastest kid in town!****

I know this is so goofy but I couldn't help but put these on here! James just wouldn't wait one more second to get outside and ride his scooter so I had to let him go! I guess it's okay when you're a 3 year old little boy!

Monday, August 25

Just a little practice with Photoshop!!

So these are just a couple more pictures of my fun night with JoBeth... this is
one of my favorites, her, out of focus just posing! Anyway, and the next with
the funky color. Just something different :)