Sunday, February 8

~~so in love~~

As I'm going back through looking at all my pictures of these two, all I could do was smile. In every picture they are as close to each other as they can possibly be :0) ... So in love.. their wedding is planned for just a few months from now and it's obvious they are meant to be and perfect for one another.. what a fun couple to have the opportunity to photographer!


brenda said...

love these Darcy, what a sweet couple! love the one of them against the blue tile on the stairs--the colors are so good for them.

Anonymous said...

Awww so cute! Sedona is such a romantic place to shoot! Ya to go girl!

Lee Marie said...

Hello! I just saw the comments you had posted on my blog and came to check you out...I am embarrassed you are amazing! You live here in Arizona?

Lee Marie said...

P.s. Do you have a email?